Thursday, December 17, 2009

Aesthetic Criticism Unit

In the Aesthetic Criticism unit we will be learning how to communicate about art through writing. We we use the Feldman Method of Art Criticism to write an essay comparing two works of art. This essay is the same format as the Midterm Exam you will take in January.

Click here for the Aesthetic Criticism Steps Slide Show

We will work in the media center computer lab Jan 5,6 (Period 3), Jan 5,7 (Period 4A), Jan 6,8 (Period 4B).

The final essay is due January 11th (Periods 3 and 4A)and 12th (Period 4B).

Click here for the Aesthetic Criticism Template
Aesthetic Criticism

Click here for Websites you will find useful when completing your interpretation:
Useful Websitesraschpippin

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Click here for the process for your 'Zoom' Drawing

Assignment: Using oil pastel on 8x8 white drawing paper, draw a selected object using oil pastels. Zoom in to select a composition where the object fills the page. Select a contrasting background of a complementary color.
Last day in class: Period 4B- 12/10,
Periods 3&4A 12/11

Due Date All Classes: 12/18